Loved reading this, Denise. Your badge is so good. I rushed mine out most the second Beth mentioned the idea, so I think I really would like to make a new one, as I don't actually love mine very much! I love your daily diary amd they you do it in bullet form and with pictures. I go through phases, but I end up writing far too much and feeling like I don't have time for it and/or hating the drawings. (Note to self: it's actually fine and useful to draw pictures you hate, because that's how you get to know how to draw pictures you do love.)

Congratulations on the new project. It looks wonderful. Hope it's fun to work on.

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Congrats on the new book, Denise! I love your badge so much, I had to share again!

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you are the sweetest! <3 <3 <3 <3

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I love your badge and you should definitely make stickers. Congrats your new book deal.

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